One of the main attractions in our classroom is the computer center. While some of the children know the games well enough to teach the teachers, others are learning along with us.
There is no doubt that this wide range of experience exists at home, too. Many parents wonder if there is anything beyond games for their preschool-age children. According to Carolyn Jabs, preschoolers can explore the Internet just like anyone else.
Here are a few of Jabs helpful hints that will make exploration easier for your family:
Be prepared by exploring beforehand so you know where you’re going. Get recommendations from friends, family, magazines, etc.
Respect the fact that young children have a low tolerance for the long waits encountered on the Net.
Download software for them beforehand.
Take advantage of the help available for parents including chat rooms and bulletin boards.
Make Web surfing a parent-child activity that can be enjoyed together.