Having a place to relax with books in a quiet, comfy atmosphere makes reading more enjoyable. Access to paper and writing tools will encourage children to experiment with these materials and use them in their play. In these ways, children can practice literate behaviors at their own pace. Care and respect for books as well as appropriate use of writing materials are behaviors children learn through guidance and modeling.
As children have time to learn through books that have been read to them, examine the print on the page, and even read to someone else, a love of books develops that helps children become eager and eventually proficient readers. As children write notes to family or friends, make signs for their belongings, or a list for the store, they reveal their understanding of writing.
Children move from random scribbling to controlled scribble, random alphabet letters, to consonants that represent words. Through many opportunities practicing reading and writing skills in relaxed settings children can move through these stages.
Learning to Read and Write (2000, p 124)