Mathematics is all around us even when we don't know we're using it. There are many ways in which children can learn about math. Children tend to learn math best through hands-on activities. Below are five different areas of mathematics and some ideas for how to teach them to your child.
Count things
Sing counting songs and read counting books
Find numbers(numerals) around your home and neighborhood
Ask your child to help solve simple number problems
Provide numerals in diverse materials and encourage your child to trace, copy and write numerals during pretend play and real events
Label shapes and sizes
Find shapes in the environment
Encourage your child to climb in, out, under, over, and around things to develop a sense of space
Build structures with blocks, boxes, and other clean and empty containers
Use words that describe the position (over, under, next to, between, above, behind), direction (forward, backward, up, down), and distance (near, close, far, way over there)
Organize and compare household items
Use conventional and unconventional units to measure things
Include your child in activities that involve measuring
Estimate everything!Talk about time Algebra Look for patterns in songs, chants, and storybooks
Create patterns using your hand and feet
Hunt for patterns in your house and neighborhood
Create patterns with household items
Explore patterns in numbers
Data Analysis
Make collections
Sort household items
Make simple charts and graphs