In this age of technology, we recognize the value of introducing computers to young children. Computers in an early childhood classroom are another tool for children to explore, to investigate, and to master.
We believe that computers are a valuable asset to our program, but only because our approach to computer use is geared to the way young children learn and develop. For example:
We know that young children are developing social skills during these years, so we place the computer where children can interact as they work with it. At least two chairs are at the computer at all times. This arrangement allows for collaborative problem solving and sharing of ideas.
Children need to have opportunities to work independently of adults. The computer software that we use allows independent use. We choose software with verbal instructions or picture menus that allow children to work with little adult intervention.
Children learn by doing. The software that we choose allows the child to explore concepts, determine the pace and the direction of the experience, and use their creativity.
Developmentally appropriate software is open-ended and calls for thinking and active problem-solving.
Just like paints, computers are a beneficial tool in an early childhood classroom. Children have the freedom to explore this tool in a supportive environment that encourages active exploration.