Keep Halloween Safe
by Michele R. Berman, MD
The fall is here. The days are getting shorter, the weather cooler. Which means of course, that the time of ghouls, goblins, and bags full of treats will soon be upon us. It seems a fitting time, therefore, to review some safety issues regarding the upcoming Halloween holiday.
First, regardless of age, children should never trick or treat alone! Smaller children should always be accompanied by an adult. Older children (particularly adolescents) should travel in groups. Stress to trick-or-treaters that they should only visit the homes of people they know. Take along a flashlight. Reflective stripes on costumes or trick or treat bags make children more visible. Stay on the sidewalks and away from traffic as much as possible.
Costumes should be comfortable and warm for outdoor trick or treating. Remember, it can often be quite cool (not to mention damp or rainy) after dark, so flimsy costumes will not afford much protection. If possible use makeup (hypoallergenic is best) to decorate a child’s face instead of a mask. If a mask is used, make sure the child can breathe easily.
Other Tips:
Trick-or-treat during the daylight hours when possible.
Give trick-or-treaters flashlights.
Feed trick-or-treaters before they go out so they are not tempted to eat collected candy before it is inspected
By following these simple safety tips, Halloween will be a treat for the whole family.